Do you love the look of batik fabric but don’t know how to get started? We will discuss everything you need to start batiking.
Batik kit for beginners includes pre-waxed fabric, dye colors, and a paintbrush.
So what are you waiting for? Get ready to create beautiful batik fabric pieces of your own! We will also provide a few tips to help you get started. This blog post is for you!
About Batik Kit

Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth or cloth made using this technique. Batik involves applying wax to fabric and then dyeing the fabric. The material parts that are covered with wax resist the dye, creating patterns and designs on the fabric.
Batik dyeing is usually done on textile surfaces that involve wax and patterned areas to create colorful artwork.
Batik may be done on various materials, including cotton, silk, and other natural fabrics. Most weights will function; however, the finer weaves perform best for precise work.
Is batik art valuable?
Yes, it is.
Wax-resist dyeing of fabric is a traditional heritage that has been practiced in many cultures for centuries. In some cultures, batik is considered folk art, while in others, it is an art form that is valued and revered.
What is a batik kit?
A batik kit is a set of supplies that includes everything you need to start batiking. Batik kits typically include fabric, wax, dye, and other supplies.
This batik explorer kit is a great way to get started with batiking because it provides all of the supplies you need in one place. Batik kits are also usually less expensive than buying the supplies separately.
Batik Kit for Beginners

A batik kit for beginners is not an actual batik-making process. The equipment is batik art painting kits or coloring kit with simple designs and methods.
This DIY batik painting kit is mainly designed as a kid’s activity kit to introduce the batik artform and the dyeing process.
They come in designs that are already pre-waxed. So, the following activities needed are to color the painting with dye and dry them.
What contents are in the kit package? And what does it work? Let’s find out!
How do you make batik for beginners?
The batik set is designed for people who don’t have experience in batik. So, any beginners can do this activity easily because:
Pre-waxed motifs or designs are available in the set.
The dyeing process uses a brush, so it’s much easier than the traditional way using a canting or tjanting tool.
You don’t need any other materials, buy the kit, and you can start batiking!
Batik design simple
The simple design for beginners usually has large areas to color. So, it’s easier and faster to finish.
Batik pattern easy
The easy batik pattern usually has a limited number of colors, so the coloring process will be much easier and faster to do.
Simple dyeing process
The kit usually provides a brush to color the design. So, it’s much easier than the traditional way that needs a canting or tjanting tool.
Batik kit content

Batik designs for beginners
Since most batik kits in the market are Malaysian batik, most of the batik designs are Malaysian.
You may choose from our extensive, beautifully pre-painted Malaysian-themed designs. The designs range from simple methods such as animals or flowers for kids to more complicated designs for adults.
Batik dye kit print
The content of the kit usually includes:
- 8’W Pre-waxed motif or wax-painted motif canvas on a cardboard frame
- Non-toxic water-based batik color dye
- Paintbrush
- Tray or watercolor palette
Batik for beginners process
The batik painting process is straightforward. Here are the steps for making your batik painting:
- Prepare the wax-painted motif canvas on a cardboard frame.
- Wet canvas with water for easy shading.
- Experiment and color with your batik color dyes. Brilliant colors are great.
- Refer to the batik color mix chart.
- Air-dry for an hour.
- Clean paint brush and paint tray after use with soap and water.
- The batik masterpiece is ready to display.
How Do You Do Batik at Home?

Why do you want to do batik at home? Is it for a special occasion? For gifts? Or just because you want to try something new and different?
Whatever the reason, doing batik at home is actually not as difficult as you may think. With a little bit of patience and practice, you can create beautiful works of art that are perfect for any occasion.
What equipment do you need for batik?
To get started, you will need the following batik art supplies:
You can use any fabric for batik, but cotton is best because it takes the dye well. Choose a light-colored cloth so that the colors you add will be brighter.
Wax for batik comes in a block or a liquid. You can also use beeswax, which is what traditional batik artists use.
You can use any dye for batik, but natural dyes work best.
One of the well-known suppliers is Jacquard Batik Wax. It is a professional-quality wax that produces a distinctive crackle effect for traditional batik.
Tjanting tool
A tjanting is a tool used to apply the wax to the fabric. It has a small metal cup at the end that you dip in the wax and then squeeze to release the wax onto the textile.
You will need a stove to heat the wax.
You will need a pot to melt the wax. The wax heats quickly and maintains an even melting temperature.
Bowl or bucket
You will need a bowl or a bucket to mix the dye.
You will need clothespins to clip the fabric to the dyebath for air-drying it.
Batik process step-by-step
- The first thing you need to do is to prepare your work area. Cover your work surface with newspaper or plastic to protect it from wax and dye.
- Then, choose your fabric. Any natural fiber fabric will work for batiks, such as cotton, linen, or silk.
- Wash the fabric first, and then dry it. This will prevent the material from shrinkage after dyeing.
- Next, use the tjanting tool to apply the wax to the fabric. Allow the wax to cool and harden.
- Start by drawing a simple design on your fabric. Then, fill in the design with wax. Once you have finished applying the wax, allow it to dry completely.
- Now it’s time to dye your fabric! Choose the colors you want to use and follow the instructions on the dye package. If you plan to do multiple layers, you will want to dye your colors from lightest to darkest, depending on the color scheme.
- When you are finished dyeing the fabric, rinse it in cold water to remove any excess dye.
- Finally, boil your fabric to remove the wax. Repeat this process as many times as the number of colors desired.
- Wash your fabric one last time to remove any leftover wax residue you couldn’t get out by hand. Dry your fabric.
- And that’s it! You’ve now created a beautiful piece of batik fabric!
Bali Batik
What is it?
The Bali Batiks are one of the most famous textiles in Indonesia. They are also known as Balinese Batiks because they were first produced in Bali.
Bali Batik is a traditional Indonesian cloth where the patterns, designs, and colors are unique. This type of fabric is a part of Indonesian culture and tradition.
The history of these ancient textiles dates back to the 13th century when they were initially woven from cotton threads and used for clothing in Africa and India.
It is a form of textile dyeing which uses plant-based dyes, usually derived from indigo, or fermented cassia bark, to create intricate patterns on cloth.
It was developed on the island of Bali in Indonesia and has since spread throughout Southeast Asia and other regions with significant Balinese communities.
How does Bali batik work?
Bali Batik is a process that involves the dying of colors and the natural aging process of fabrics. This process uses mineral sources such as limestone, marble, or sand.
In contrast to other dying processes, it does not have a lot of chemical reactions happening. Instead, it relies on how a substance applied to the material will provide color. The dye is then fixed with heat and oxidation.
What are the two main materials used to make batik?
The main difference between batik and tie-dye is that batik relies on a resist method, while tie-dye does not. In batik, the fabric is dipped in dye, and then a wax resist is applied.
The fabric is then dipped in dye again, and the process is repeated until the desired effect is achieved. With tie-dye, the fabric is simply dyed without any resist method.
The two main materials used to make batik are wax and dye.
The main difference between batik and tie-dye is that batik relies on a resist method, while tie-dye does not. In batik, the fabric is dipped in dye, and then a wax resist is applied.
Any natural fiber fabric will work for batik, such as cotton, linen, or silk. Wash the fabric first, and then dry it. This will prevent the fabric from shrinkage after dyeing.
Next, use the tjanting tool to apply the wax
What are some of the most popular batik patterns?
Some of the most popular batik patterns include flowers, animals, and geometric shapes.
What fabric is best for batik?
Any natural fiber fabric will work for batik, such as cotton, linen, or silk. Wash the fabric first, and then dry it. This will prevent the fabric from shrinkage after dyeing.
What fabric does batik work best on?
Any natural fiber fabric will work for batik, such as cotton, linen, or silk. Wash the fabric first, and then dry it. This will prevent the fabric from shrinking after dyeing.