Batik Ulos Batak: Bahan Kain Tenun dan Ragam Makna
Hampir semua kain ulos memuat pesan moral dan saluran berkat bagi penerima atau pemakainya. Simak cerita saya.
Hampir semua kain ulos memuat pesan moral dan saluran berkat bagi penerima atau pemakainya. Simak cerita saya.
Kain Tenun Indonesia sudah digunakan sejak abad ke sembilan masehi. Kain Tenun telah digunakan sejak masa kerajaan sebagai simbol dari tradisi Indonesia.
Donna Jordan, the founder of Jordan Fabrics, was a beloved figure in the quilting community. Her sudden passing in August 2021 left many of her fans and customers devastated. In this article, we will explore the details surrounding Donna Jordan’s death and the impact she had on the quilting world.
Algodon fabric has long been a popular choice for clothing and household items due to its softness, durability, and breathability. However, one question that often arises when considering this fabric is whether or not it shrinks. The answer is yes, but with proper care and attention, you can prevent this from happening and enjoy your algodon items for years to come.
Cendrawasih merupakan jenis burung khas Papua yang sangat ikonik. Burung ini menjadi inspirasi motif batik cendrawasih. Biasanya motif ini memadukan gambar burung cendrawasih dengan gambar tumbuhan dan bunga khas Papua.
If you’re in the market for new furniture or upholstery, you may have come across the term “Durapella fabric.” But what exactly is Durapella fabric, and what makes it stand
Indonesian dyeing techniques have been around for centuries and are known for their unique and intricate designs. One of the most popular types of fabric made using these techniques is
Fabric softener and detergent are two different products that serve different purposes in the laundry process. While detergent cleans clothes and removes stains, fabric softener helps to soften and reduce static cling in fabrics. It’s important to use both products correctly to achieve the best results for your laundry.
Since you found your favorite batik fabric, you’ve been lusting after it—ordering yards and yards of the beautiful pattern to create quilts, clothes, pillows, and more. But before diving into
You might be wondering why lotus silk is so expensive. After all, it’s just fabric. WRONG! Lotus silk is the most beautiful, luxurious fabric in the world and comes at