Best Fabric Glue For Yarn

If you are like me, then you love knitting and crocheting. You may also enjoy sewing or quilting. Fabric glue is a standard tool used by craftspeople to hold things together.

fabric glue
Photo by stevepb on Pixabay

However, not everyone knows what works best for different projects. This article will discuss the best type of fabric glue for yarn. 

Why Fabric Glue?

Fabric Glues are great ways to attach your yarns and the best way to keep them in place. It will not stretch or shrink with time, so you can be assured that your work will remain as you intended. You don’t have to worry about your projects tangled up because the glue holds everything together nicely.

You may think using this would make your project too stiff, but this isn’t true! It makes your finished product softer than using sewing thread or other fasteners.

The only thing that it won’t do well holds strong against water. So, if you’re working on something like a sweater where you need to sew through the body of the garment, you’ll want to use another type of stitching method instead.

Types of Fabric Glue


This type of glue is activated by heat, meaning you must apply heat to the fabric before applying the glue. The heat causes the adhesive to bond to the fabric fibers, making them robust.


This type of glue bonds when it comes into contact with moisture. If you use cold-activated glue, you must wait until the fabric has been wetted before applying the glue. Once the fabric dries, the adhesive creates permanent bonds to the material.


This glue is waterproof, meaning it doesn’t come off quickly once applied. It’s perfect for attaching buttons, zippers, snaps, etc.


This one is similar to a regular one, except in spray form. Just spritz it onto the fabric and let it dry.

Stitch in

Stitch-in is a special glue designed to stitch through fabrics without damaging them. It works well for embroidery and applique projects.


This adhesive is made specifically for papercrafts. It’s a clear liquid that allows you to see the design underneath. Good for temporary fabric glue.

Craft Glues

These glues are available in many colors, including black, white, gold, silver, red, and blue. 

super fabric glue
Photo by Counselling on Pixabay

Which Type of Fabric Glue Works Best For Yarn Project?

For most people, heat-activated fabric glue works best for yarn projects. It provides a secure attachment that doesn’t stretch out over time. However, if you want to use it to create an item that must withstand lots of wear and tear, you might consider choosing cold-activated fabric glue.

If you’re new to crafting, I recommend starting with heat-activated permanent fabric glue. It’s easy to use and gives you good results right away. Then, if you decide you’d like to try out other fabric glue, remember that they require more practice.

How To Use Fabric Glue

To use fabric glue, follow these steps:

  • Apply a small amount of glue directly to the area where you want to attach the yarn.
  • Allow the glue to dry completely before adding any additional materials.
  • When using heat-activated glue, you must first apply heat to the fabric before applying the glue. You can either use a hot glue gun or a hairdryer.
  • Wait until the glue has dried completely before moving on to the next step.
  • Ensure not to leave the glue unattended while waiting for it to dry.

Some Tips

When using yarn, a few tips will help make your experience easier.

  • Don’t use too much glue. Too much adhesive can cause the yarn to become stiff and difficult to work with.
  • Be careful when handling the glue. Some people have reported getting their fingers stuck together after touching the glue.
  • Always read the instructions that come with the glue. They’ll tell you how long to allow the glue to dry before working with it.
  • Keep all the supplies needed for your project close at hand. That way, you won’t be forced to search far and wide for something you need.

What Is Fabric Glue Made Of?

It is usually made from two main ingredients: polyvinyl acetate and acrylic resin. Acrylic resin is used to provide strength and durability. PVA is added to give the bond its flexibility.

Top 5 Hot Glue Gun for Yarn Projects

Aleene’s Always Ready Turbo “Tacky” Glue

This is a specialty glue designed with the yarn crafter in mind. Its main benefit is its solid bond to acrylic fibers and blends well with popular fibers like wool, cashmere, silk, or leather.

Beacon Adhesives Fabri-Tac Glue

Fiber Creators’ tacky glue brand is designed to simulate the effect of traditional fabric glue on natural fibers. It creates strong bonds and helps keep threads in place while drying.

This stuff works great with wool, silk, and vegetable-tanned leather. It’s also great for gluing beads and buttons onto your projects.

Gutermann HT2 Fabric Glues

This is an excellent glue for crocheted items like scarfs, afghans, and blankets. It’s designed to clamp fibers in place while they dry because it gets complicated very quickly–so you end up with an extra-strong bond before the yarn has even thoroughly dried.

The glue is also great with most colored yarns.

Tear Mender Instant Adhesive

A small bottle of glue does work! This glue is an excellent alternative for any fiber crafter who needs something on the go. It’s not limited to just yarn but has been proven very useful in fixing tears and holes when crocheting delicate fibers like silk thread or embroidery floss.

Supplies Clear Glue Craft Fabric

This glue is ideal for crafting with fabric. It holds better than most other glues because it’s a hybrid of acrylic and glitter, making for a high quantity adhesion while hooking fibers in place. With this stuff, you get all the benefits of fiber adhesive without the fiber disruption.

Permatex 25247 Fabric Repair Kit

This unique fiber adhesive is an excellent alternative for crafters who want to repair their projects. It’s made specifically from the same liquid as a liquid fixative, but it dries rock hard and helps patch any pesky tears or holes that people may have overlooked during construction. One of the best permanent fabric glue.

Odif USA 505 Spray And Fix Temporary Fabric Adhesive

This stuff comes in a can that is great for on-the-go crafting projects. It’s made specifically with crafters who have already coated their fiber products with glue because of the high level of tack it provides. Anything you crochet will find this stuff to be perfect!

Dritz 401 Fabric Glue

Dritz 401 is an excellent remedy for any fiber crafter with fruit flies or other moths buzzing around their studio. It contains synthetic fragrance, which you may want to know before making this stuff part of your everyday fiber prep routines.


Can you use fabric glue on yarn?

Yes. Fabric glue is an excellent choice in non-metallic applications because it does not damage fragile materials. The glue is durable and will dry clear but will not stain or pull dye.

Can you glue fabric crochet?

Yes. It takes a piece of fabric with tin to attach it to the hook with the iron.

Related Questions

How Long Does Liquid Stitch Last?

Liquid stitches last anywhere from 3-6 months, depending on the fabric used. The longer they last, the more expensive they will be.

What Is The Strongest Glue For Crafts?

The strongest glue for crafts is called “super glue”. It has been used since the early 1900s and is still very popular today. Superglue is made up of cyanoacrylate monomers which react together at room temperature to form an extremely strong adhesive.

Superglue is available in two forms – liquid and solid. Liquid superglue is usually clear and water-based, while solid superglue is usually white and alcohol-based. Both types are easy to use and will bond almost anything together. However, they require careful application and should only be used when necessary.

What Glue Is Best For Canvas?

Glue is best used when attaching canvas to wood frames. It will not work well when gluing canvas directly onto surfaces such as glass or plastic.

Why Does Super Glue Burn Cotton?

Super glue burns cotton because it contains cyanoacrylate (CA), an organic compound containing carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. CA bonds very strongly with itself and other molecules. It has been used since the early 1900s as a fast-setting adhesive.

Cyanoacrylates are commonly found in superglues, epoxies, and acrylic paints. They are also used in nail polish removers, adhesives, and wood finishes.

What Can I Use Instead Of Fabric Glue?

If you want to use fabric glue instead of fabric paint, here are some tips to remember when choosing which type of glue to use:

  • Choose a water-based glue such as Mod Podge or Aleene’s Tacky Glue. These glues will dry clear and won’t leave behind any residue.
  • Avoid solvent-based glues like Elmer’s Craftsman’s Wood Glue. They contain solvents that may cause damage to fabrics.
  • When selecting a fabric glue, look for one tested for safety. Some brands include CertiPUR-US® and VOC Free™.

What Is The Best Permanent Fabric Glue?

Permanent fabric glue is an adhesive used to attach fabrics permanently. It is available in liquid form and comes in several different colors.

The best permanent fabric glue will hold up well against repeated washings and dry cleaning without losing strength. Some brands may contain solvents that could damage certain types of clothing.

Is There A Permanent Fabric Glue?

Yes, there is! It’s called “Super Glue” and has been around since 1940. The only problem is that it takes several hours to dry out completely.

Is E6000 Better Than Hot Glue?

E6000 is an epoxy adhesive used for years in the construction industry. It is strong, flexible, and water-resistant. The only downside is that it takes longer than hot glue to dry, but this isn’t much of a problem when working with small projects.

Hot glue is another common choice for DIYers because it dries quickly and doesn’t require heat. However, using electronics is not recommended since it could damage them.

Does Loctite Work On Fabric?

Loctite works well on fabric, but not all fabrics. It will work best on cotton, polyester, nylon, acrylics, and other synthetic fibers. However, it may not be effective on wool, silk, leather, or other natural materials.

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